Department of Biomedical Engineering Ph.D. PROGRAM CHECKLIST
Semester 1: Advisor & Research
Enroll in BME 6094 seminar course
Discuss research interests with faculty
Begin work in research group
Select a track and required courses
Maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0
Semester 2: Start Research
Prepare for qualifying exam (Year 2)
Enroll in BME 6094 seminar & other required courses
Form an Advisory Committee
Choose 1 major advisor and 2 associate advisors.
Guidelines: Choose 1 major advisor and 2 associate advisors.
Year 2: Pass qualifying exam
NIH-style written proposal and oral presentation
Continue to take graded courses toward your degree
Submit Plan of Study to the Graduate School
(after 18 credits completed)
Upon Plan of Study approval by Graduate School, start proposal
Dissertation Proposal/General Exam
Provide a copy of proposal to advisory committee 1 week in advance
Defend proposal
Submit general exam, proposal hardcopy, and dissertation proposal approval forms to Graduate School (at least 6 months before final Ph.D. defense)
Prepare Dissertation Proposal
Should be completed within 12 months of the completion of General Exam
Complete 30 graded course credits
15 graded research credits, and 2 publications
For a complete checklist of required steps visit the website.
Apply for Graduation in Peoplesoft During Last Semester
Announce Final Defense 2 Weeks in Advance on UConn and BME Event Calendars
Contact BME department staff for calendar scheduling and announcement.
Provide Dissertation to Advisory Committee 2 Weeks in Advance of Defense
Review Dissertation submission checklist
Submit 1 electronic copy of dissertation to Digital Commons
Submit completed dissertation checklist, 1 approval page, final exam form, and receipt of earned doctorate survey to Graduate School
Complete BME Clearance Form
Includes submitting pdf of thesis, and returning keys
Provide exit survey
Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Ph.D. PROGRAM CHECKLIST
Semester 1: Advisor & Research
Enroll in 3 required CHEG courses (5301, 5315, 5321)
Maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0
Discuss research interests with faculty
Submit advisor preference form (end of September)
Work as teaching assistant
Be paired with research advisor
Prepare for qualifying exam
Semester 2: Start Research
Pass oral qualifying exam (early January if starting in August)
Enroll in research and/or additional courses
Work as teaching assistant
Retake Qualifying Exam If Necessary
(mid May if starting in August)
YEAR 2 & 3
Form an Advisory Committee
At least 5 members, including the primary advisor
At least 1 member must come from another department or program or industry
Continue to Take Graded Courses Toward Your Degree
Submit Plan of Study to the Graduate School (After 18 Credits Completed)
Confirm approval by Graduate School prior to scheduling Preproposal
General Exam Part 1 (Preproposal)
Should be completed within 12 months of the formation of advisory committee
Complete 30 graded course credits and 15 graded research credits
General Exam Part II (Preliminary Results)
Should be completed within 12 months of the completion of Part I
Submit general exam forms to Graduate School
Prepare Dissertation Proposal
Dissertation Proposal
Should be completed within 12 months of the completion of General Exam
Submit proposal hard copy and proposal approval form to the Graduate School
Annual Review
Should be scheduled within 12 months of the Dissertation Proposal or previous annual review meeting until final defense
Final Committee Meeting
Should be scheduled at least 6 months before Final Defense.
For a complete checklist of required steps visit
Apply for Graduation in Peoplesoft During Last Semester
Provide Dissertation to Advisory Committee 4 Weeks in Advance of Defense
Announce Final Defense 2 Weeks in Advance on UConn and CBE Event Calendars
Contact CBE department staff for calendar scheduling and announcement.
Defend Dissertation and Obtain Signatures of Advisory Committee
Review Dissertation Submission Checklist in Link Above
Submit 1 electronic copy of dissertation to Digital Commons
Submit completed dissertation checklist, 1 approval page, final exam form, and receipt of earned doctorate survey to Graduate School
Complete CBE Clearance Form
Includes submitting pdf of thesis, and returning keys
Department of Civil Engineering / Environmental Engineering Ph.D. PROGRAM CHECKLIST
Semester 1: Advisor & Research
Enroll in CE/TUE courses (See TUE Curriculum Guide)
Discuss research interests with faculty
Begin work in research group
Maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0
Prepare for qualifying exam
Semester 2: Start Research
Continue to enroll in CE/TUE courses
Enroll in research (GRAD 6950) and/or additional courses
Form an Advisory Committee
Choose 1 major advisor and 2 associate advisors
Note: advisory committee guidelines
Continue to take Graded Courses toward Your Degree
Submit Plan of Study to the Graduate School (after 12 credits with M.S. and 18 credits without M.S. completed)
(This is non-binding, and can be changed in the future.)
Pass General Exam
(by end of the year, but after submitting Plan of Study)
YEAR >2:
Dissertation Proposal
Provide a copy of proposal to advisory committee and 2 additional faculty reviewers 1 week in advance
Defend proposal
Submit proposal hard copy, dissertation proposal approval, and general exam forms to Graduate School (at least 6 months before final Ph.D. defense)
Submit proposal to CEE Graduate Director for review by 2 reviewers
Prepare Dissertation
Should be completed within 12 months of the completion of General Exam
Complete required coursework (15 beyond M.S.) and research credits (15)
For a complete checklist of required steps please visit the website for dissertation information.
Submit CEE Ph.D. Dissertation Defense Scheduling Checklist
Apply for graduation in Peoplesoft during last semester
Contact CEE department staff for calendar scheduling and announcement.
Announce final defense 2 weeks in advance on UConn and CEE event calendars
Provide dissertation to advisory committee 2 weeks in advance of defense
Submit 1 electronic copy of dissertation to Digital Commons
Submit completed approval page, final exam form, and receipt of earned doctorate survey to Graduate School
Complete CEE Clearance Form
Includes submitting pdf of thesis, and returning keys
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Ph.D. PROGRAM CHECKLIST
Semester 1: Advisor & Research
Enroll in at least 2 EE core courses
Discuss research interests with faculty
Begin work in research group
Maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0
Prepare for general exams
Semester 2: Start Research
Enroll in research credits (GRAD 6950)and/or additional courses
YEARS 2 & 3
Form an Advisory Committee
Choose 1 major advisor and 2 associate advisor
Note: advisory committee guidelines
Continue to Take Graded Courses Toward Your Degree
Complete Written General Exams and Submit Report to Graduate School
Submit Plan of Study to the Graduate School (After 18 Credits Completed)
Upon Plan of Study Approval by Graduate School, Start Proposal
Dissertation Proposal/Oral General Exam
Provide a copy of proposal to advisory committee (1 week in advance of proposal defense or submission)
Defend proposal (Electronics, Computer Engineering, Power) or submit proposal for departmental review (Systems)
Submit proposal hard copy, dissertation proposal approval, and general exam forms to Graduate School (at least 6 months before final Ph.D. defense)
Prepare Dissertation
Complete Required Course Work
For a complete checklist of required steps visit the graduate website.
Apply for Graduation in Peoplesoft During Last Semester
Announce Final Defense 2 Weeks in Advance on UConn and ECE Event Calendars
Contact ECE department staff for calendar scheduling and announcement.
Provide Dissertation to Advisory Committee 2 Weeks in Advance of Defense
Defend Dissertation and Obtain Signatures of Advisory Committee
Review Dissertation Submission Checklist in Link Above
Complete ECE Clearance Form
includes: submitting pdf of thesis, returning keys
Submit 1 electronic copy of dissertation to Digital Commons
Submit completed dissertation checklist, 1 approval page, final exam form, and receipt of earned doctorate survey to Graduate School
Department of Materials Science Engineering Ph.D. PROGRAM CHECKLIST
Semester 1: Advisor & Research
Enroll in at least 2 MSE core courses (5301, 5309, 5322, or 5334)
Discuss research interests with faculty
Begin work in research group
Maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0
Prepare for qualifying exam
Semester 2: Start Research
Pass qualifying exam (early January)
Enroll in research (MSE 6950) and/or additional courses
YEAR 2 & 3
Form an Advisory Committee
Choose 1 major advisor and 2 associate advisors
Note: advisory committee guidelines
Serve as a grader for 2 semesters
Submit Plan of Study to the Graduate School (after 18 credits completed)
Submit Plan of Study to the Graduate School
(after 18 credits completed)
Upon Plan of Study approval by Graduate School, start proposal
Dissertation Proposal/General Exam
Provide a copy of proposal to advisory committee 1 week in advance
Defend proposal
Submit proposal hard copy, dissertation proposal approval, and general exam forms to Graduate School (at least 6 months before final Ph.D. defense)
Prepare Dissertation Proposal
Should be completed within 12 months of the completion of General Exam
Complete 30 graded course credits and 15 graded research credits
For a complete checklist of required steps visit the Graduate School website
Apply for Graduation in Peoplesoft During Last Semester
Announce Final Defense 2 Weeks in Advance on UConn and MSE Event Calendars
Contact MSE department staff for calendar scheduling and announcement.
Provide Dissertation to Advisory Committee 2 Weeks in Advance of Defense
Defend dissertation and obtain signatures of advisory committee
Review dissertation submission checklist
Submit 1 electronic copy of dissertation to Digital Commons
Submit completed dissertation checklist, 1 approval page, final exam form, and receipt of earned doctorate survey to Graduate School
Complete IMS clearance form
Includes: submitting pdf of thesis, returning keys.
School of Computing (formerly Computer Science & Engineering) Ph.D. PROGRAM CHECKLIST
Semester 1: Advisor Selection; Begin Coursework
If you were admitted with a default advisor(usually the graduate director), discuss your research interests with faculty; ideally, you will settle on a research advisor early in the first year.
Semester 2: Coursework; Start Research
YEAR 2 & 3
Form an Advisory Committee in Consultation with Your Advisor
Typical advisory committees consist of two additional faculty. See the full guidelines at the graduate catalog website.
Complete breadth requirements.
Submit Plan of Study to the Graduate School
After 18 credits of coursework, submit Plan of Study to the graduate school. (This is non-binding, and can be changed in the future.)
Begin preparing a dissertation proposal; ideally, plan to defend your proposal early in Year 3.
File your annual departmental progress report.
Complete all Required Coursework
Defend Dissertation Proposal
The department strongly encourages Ph.D. student to defend their proposal as early as possible.
Continue dissertation research.
Publish at least 3 articles in full-length refereed conferences or journals.
File your annual departmental progress report.
For a complete checklist of required steps visit the UConn graduate website.
Apply for Graduation in Peoplesoft During Last Semester
Review Dissertation Submission
Announce Final Defense 2 Weeks in Advance on UConn and CSE Event Calendars
Contact CSE department staff for calendar scheduling and announcement.
Provide dissertation to committee at least two weeks in advance of defense.
Defend dissertation; obtain signatures of committee on defense paperwork.
Complete CSE Clearance Form
Includes submitting pdf of thesis, and returning keys
School of Mechanical Aeorospace Manufacturing (formerly Mechanical Engineering) Ph.D. PROGRAM CHECKLIST
Semester 1: Advisor & Research
- Enroll in at least 2 ME courses.
- Discuss research interests with faculty (if you do not already have an ME major advisor).
- Discuss with your major advisor the expectations of working under the supervision and for graduation (e.g., number of journal papers to be accepted/submitted by the time of the final defense).
- Begin work in research group of ME major advisor.
- Enroll in research credits with ME major advisor.
- Maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0.
- Start preparing for General Examination (also known as the Qualifying Examination).
Semester 2: Continue Coursework and Research
- Form a 5-member Advisory Committee (Note advisory committee guidelines)
- Enroll in additional research credits and/or courses as needed.
- Take the Qualifying Examination during this semester or, at latest, during the first 2 weeks of the next semester.
- Submit Report on the General Examination for the Doctoral Degree Form with signatures of all five members of the Advisory Committee.
- If needed, retake General Examination.
- If needed, continue to take graded courses toward your degree up to at least the number of required course credits (15 for Ph.D. after M.S. degree; 30 for Ph.D. after B.S. degree).
- Within the graded courses, make sure to enroll in courses recommended by Advisory Committee during General Examination.
- Continue working on your research and enrolling in research credits (a minimum of 15 Graded Research credits are required).
- Submit Plan of Study to the Graduate School after having 18 credits of coursework completed.
- Start working on dissertation proposal.
- Submit at least one journal paper for peer review.
- Write and revise with your major advisor your dissertation proposal. Send a copy of the proposal to your Advisory Committee
- Towards the end of Y3 or beginning of Y4 (at least sixi months before your final defense) present your Doctoral Dissertation Proposal to your Advisory Committee (also called Prospectus Examination). Send copy of the dissertation to the Advisory Committee at least one week in advance of the examination.
- Submit Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Form with signatures of all five members of the Advisory Committee.
- For a complete checklist of required steps visit the UConn Graduate School website and the Office of the Registrar website
- Apply for graduation in Peoplesoft during last semester.
- Schedule a date and time for your final defense with your Advisory Committee. As you plan your defense, keep the deadlines listed on the Academic Calendar in mind so that you have ample time to defend, complete any necessary revisions, upload your final thesis/dissertation to Submittable, and forward any necessary forms to Degree Audit prior to the deadline for conferral.
- With the aid of the School’s Graduate Coordinator, announce final defense two weeks in advance on UConn and MAME event calendars, and find a room to hold the defense.
- Send copy of the dissertation to Advisory Committee at least two weeks in advance of defense.
- Defend dissertation and submit Report on the Final Examination Form.
Final Submissions
- Review dissertation submission checklist.
- Submit one electronic copy of dissertation to Digital Commons.
- Submit completed dissertation checklist, approval page, final exam form, and receipt of earned doctorate survey to Graduate School.
- Complete and submit MAME Graduate Program Evaluation/Exit Survey
- Complete and submit MAME Graduate Separation Checklist
Masters Options
Other Masters Programs
Ph.D. Candidate Annual Review
We are proud to announce the annual performance review webform which provides a convenient platform for College of Engineering Ph.D. students to communicate their research progress and concerns with their advisors while soliciting feedback from their advisors. The form is intended to be initiated by graduate students at all stages annually, and will be pre-populated by contents from the previous year. The form provides a set of generic questions to facilitate communication.
The Ph.D. students and their advisors may determine what is necessary to fill in within the form. We do recommend that advisors communicate expectations and feedback explicitly through the webforms, as this is one of the main goals of the form.