WORKSHOP #1: Effective Negotiation for Women Graduate Students in STEM
When: March 28, 2023, 2:30 pm – 4:00pm
Who: Women in STEM PhD Graduate students
Why: To negotiate at the workplace confidently and effectively
Facilitators: Aida Ghiaei
Speaker: Israela Adah Brill-Cass, ESQ
This workshop is specifically designed to address the needs of women in STEM to learn how to successfully negotiate anything, such as jobs and salary!
This 1.5-hour workshop will be in person, discussing issues on how women can:
– Negotiate for salaries and raises
– Get more support for projects
– Navigate through gender and cultural biases and
– Achieve better results
Food will be provided, and RSVP is required.
RSVP here
WORKSHOP #2: The Art of Negotiation
When: Spring Semester
Who: Engineering PhD Graduate students
Why: To get the job and salary you desire!
Back by popular demand!
Theodor Menounos: Assistant Director, Career Coaching & Counseling
Aida Ghiaei
This 2.5-hour workshop will be in person, an interactive, based on real cases, and participants will work in small groups. At the end of the workshop, you will learn what to do and how to negotiate your next job and salary!
WORKSHOP #3: SoE (3MT) Three Minute Thesis Competition
When: April 11, 2023, 1pm – 3pm
Who: Engineering PhD Graduate students
Why: Learn how to effectively communicate your research in three minutes to an intelligent non-specialist audience. Gain experience, and participate in this competition with Doctoral students around the world.
Fayekah Assanah, Ph.D.: Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering
This workshop will be held at the Engineering & Science Building (ESB) in room 121.