Engineering Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (eFellows) Deadline Extended

We are proud to announce that the eFellows application deadline has been extended! The new deadline is July 8, 2022 at 11:59 PM ET.

THE GOAL: The eFellows program provides rich postdoctoral experiences that will prepare participants for successful research careers in academia or industry while also serving as an employment bridge during a time of hiring freezes and job market uncertainty, helping to retain fellows who might otherwise leave the engineering research career pathway.

THE AWARD: The eFellows program will provide postdoctoral researchers with a salary of $75,000 per year, for two years. Upon selection, ASEE will issue subawards to host institutions, to cover salary, benefits and up to $3,000 for travel expenses per fellow.

Individuals from groups historically underrepresented in engineering and faculty advisors at minority serving institutions are encouraged to apply.

Please contact with questions or for more information.